$666,691 Raised
$1,000,000 Goal
Eat a hot pepper. Stop ALS cold.
Give today to ALS research at the ALS Therapy Development Institute
Your donation helps advance potential treatment options for people living with ALS.
The ALS Pepper Challenge, modeled after the infamous Ice Bucket Challenge, was created by the
family in honor of their mom Patty, is sweeping the globe. Patty Haberstroh, who was diagnosed with ALS at the end of 2017, was a social worker for over a decade, and is a mother of four and grandmother of five. She has dedicated her life to helping others and now is calling on us to help her #EndALS. Now it’s your turn to take the #ALSPepperChallenge and donate today!
You can see the original #ALSPepperChallenge video here: