Expanded Access {{label}}

Intermediate Expanded Access Protocol (EAP) CNMAu8.EAP02

Please note: All trial information reflects the latest data available from the sponsor on ClinicalTrials.gov and other public databases. However, these sources may occasionally be outdated or inaccurate. For the most current information, we recommend contacting the trial sponsor or sites directly.


{{trial.Sponsor}} {{trial.Sponsor}}
Approved by FDA
Approved outside USA
Is a supplement


Enrollment Criteria

{{trial.ExternalId}} (First Published: {{trial.FirstPublishedDate|date}} on {{trial.SourceName}})
The primary objective of the intermediate expanded access protocol is to provide access to the investigational product, CNM-Au8, to up to 300 people living with ALS (pALS). No formal clinical hypotheses are being evaluated with concurrent controls. Secondary objectives include assessment of the safety of CNM-Au8 treatment in pALS. Safety will be assessed through the frequency of serious adverse events (SAEs), treatment-emergent adverse events (TEAEs) assessed as 'severe', discontinuations due to TEAEs, and laboratory abnormalities assessed as clinically significant during routine clinical monitoring (as applicable).

This is a multi-center intermediate expanded access program to provide access to the investigational product, CNM-Au8, up to 300 participants diagnosed with ALS. The safety of CNM-Au8 treatment in ALS participants will be evaluated. Visits will occur at a clinic or remotely via telephone or video-visit. Visits may be conducted remotely due to COVID-19-related pandemic concerns, or if due to ALS disease progression. Participants who meet the inclusion criteria and none of the exclusionary criteria may be enrolled into the EAP. There will be three study periods: 1. A treatment period of forty-eight (48) weeks (Treatment Period 1); 2. Additional optional follow-on treatment period(s) of up to forty-eight (48) weeks duration may be added at the discretion of the Sponsor and Site Investigator (e.g., Treatment Period 2, Treatment Period 3); 3. A four (4) week safety follow-up period (End-of-Study [EOS]Assessment). All participants will receive open-label oral treatment daily up to 48 weeks during Treatment Period 1. Additional 48-week treatment periods may be approved at the discretion of the Sponsor. The EAP may be discontinued at any time at the Sponsor's discretion. At treatment discontinuation or following the end of the participant's final Treatment Period, participants will complete an end-of-study (EOS) assessment 4 weeks following discontinuation of the investigational drug product. Visit assessments may be collected remotely, via tele-visit with study site staff. Investigational product may be shipped by the site to participants who do attend in-clinic visits.

For Protocol CNMAu8.EAP01
The participants must meet the following inclusion criteria:
1. Able to understand and give written informed consent.
2. Male or female participants aged 18 years or greater (inclusive) at the time of ALS
3. Participants whose conditions are defined as "definite ALS" or "probable ALS" or
"possible ALS" diagnostic criteria by the revised El Escorial Criteria as determined
by a neurologist specializing in ALS (e.g., the Principal Investigator or
sub-investigator at the site).
4. Participant is able to daily consume 60 mL of the investigational drug suspension
without substantial dysphagia, OR can intake the drug through a gastrostomy tube.
5. In the judgement of the Investigator, the participant's expected survival is greater
than six-months
6. Participants who have established care with a neurologist at the specialized ALS
center involved in the study and will maintain this clinical care throughout the
duration of the EAP.
7. Participant must have completed standard clinical safety labs within the prior 90
days from the Baseline visit including a chemistry panel (e.g., CMP) and a
hematology panel (e.g., CBC).
OR Prior participation in the HEALEY Platform ALS trial (Regimen C) Open Label Extension
(NCT04414345) will be considered an automatic inclusion.
Participants will be excluded from the expanded access protocol if they meet any of the
following criteria:
1. Participant is eligible for a clinical study with CNM-Au8 for the treatment of ALS.
2. Participant with a history of any clinically significant or unstable medical
condition based on the Investigator's judgment that may interfere with assessment of
the study objectives.
3. Based on the investigator's judgment, participants who may have difficulty complying
with the protocol and/or any study procedures.
4. Within the prior 90 days the participant has had clinically significant
abnormalities in hematology, blood chemistry, ECG, or physical examination not
resolved by the Baseline visit which according to Investigator can interfere with
EAP participation.
5. Participant is currently involved in another placebo-controlled clinical trial
(note: concomitant therapy with other investigational products is permitted with
certain restrictions.
6. Females who are pregnant or nursing or who plan to get pregnant during the course of
this EAP or within 6 months of the end of the EAP.
7. Females of child-bearing potential, or men, who are unwilling or unable to use
accepted methods of birth control.
8. History of gold allergy. OR These exclusion criteria will not be applied if the
participant was previously enrolled in the HEALEY Platform ALS trial (Regimen C)
Open Label Extension (NCT04414345).
For Protocol CNMAu8.EAP02
Inclusion Criteria:
1. Able to understand and give written informed consent.
2. Male or female participants aged 18 years or greater (inclusive) at the time of ALS
3. Participants with a confirmed diagnosis of ALS per Gold Coast criteria as determined
by a neurologist specializing in ALS (e.g., the site principal investigator or
sub-investigator for this study).
4. Participant is able to daily consume up to 240 mL of the investigational drug
suspension without substantial dysphagia, OR can intake the investigational product
through a gastrostomy tube.
5. Participant must have completed standard clinical safety labs within the prior 90
days from the Baseline visit including a chemistry panel (e.g., CMP) and a
hematology panel (e.g., CBC).
6. In the judgement of the Investigator the participant's expected survival is greater
than six-months.
7. Participants who have established care with a neurologist at the specialized ALS
center involved in the study and will maintain this clinical care throughout the
duration of the EAP within the United States.
OR Prior participation in the HEALEY Platform ALS trial (Regimen C) Open Label Extension
(NCT04414345) will be considered an automatic inclusion.
Exclusion Criteria:
1. Participant is eligible for participation in: (i) the HEALEY ALS Platform trial
(NCT04297683), or (ii) any active study investigating CNM-Au8 for the treatment of
2. Participant has a history of any clinically significant or unstable medical
condition (other than ALS) that may interfere with assessment of safety or
compromise the study objectives.
3. Based on the investigator's judgment, participants who may have difficulty complying
with the protocol and/or any study procedures.
4. Within the prior 90-days the participant has had clinically significant findings on
standard hepatic, hematologic, or renal safety assays.
5. Participant is currently involved in another placebo-controlled clinical trial
(note: concomitant therapy with other investigational products is permitted with
certain restrictions.
6. Females who are pregnant or nursing or who plan to get pregnant during the EAP or
within 6 months of the end of this trial.
7. Females of child-bearing potential, or men, who are unwilling or unable to use
accepted methods of birth control.
8. History of gold allergy.
OR These exclusion criteria will not be applied if the participant was previously
enrolled in the HEALEY Platform ALS trial (Regimen C) Open Label Extension (NCT04414345).

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{{location.Facility !== '' ? location.Facility + ',' : ''}} {{location.City !== '' ? location.City + ',' : ''}} {{location.RegionAbbreviation}} {{location.PostalCode}} {{location.Country}}
Location Contact: {{location.Contact.Name}} {{location.Contact.Name}} Phone: {{location.Contact.Phone}}
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ALS Research Collaborative
Thank You to Our Sponsors
Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma