Planned Giving
Consider leaving a legacy of support by making a planned gift to the ALS Therapy Development Institute (ALS TDI) through the Stephen Heywood Legacy Society. Planned gifts allow you to combine your charitable giving goals with your estate and financial planning goals. Your planned gift – no matter what size – can leave a legacy that ensures that transformative medical research will continue to take place at ALS TDI until the necessary treatments for ALS are found.
What is Planned Giving
Planned giving, or legacy giving, is any significant gift arranged in the present and allocated at a future date. Unlike gifts of cash, planned gifts typically come from assets in your estate, rather than disposable income. As part of your overall financial and/or estate plans, it can provide financial benefit as well as tax deductions to you as a donor.
Stephen Heywood Legacy Society
The Stephen Heywood Legacy Society was created to honor Stephen Heywood and all those who choose to support ALS TDI through planned giving. Stephen Heywood was diagnosed with ALS at age 29. Finding no treatment options, his brother, James Allen Heywood, founded ALS TDI in the basement of his family's home in 1999 to bring effective treatments to people with ALS as quickly as possible.
Today, ALS TDI is the world's foremost drug discovery lab focused solely on ALS. Although Stephen is no longer with us, this same sense of hope, family, and community support drives every decision made at ALS TDI.
Stephen Heywood Legacy Society
The Impact of Planned Giving
Making a planned gift through the Stephen Heywood Legacy Society can be an important philanthropic plan to express your values while strengthening the future of ALS research.
  • You can make a larger donation than you thought possible, by planning in the long term.
  • You can take care of the needs of your family first, while benefitting from a decreased tax liability.
  • You can create a meaningful legacy without giving up assets.
  • You can play a significant role in a better future for all families facing ALS.
The Impact of Planned Giving
Planned Giving Options to Consider
We offer planned giving arrangements that are feasible for donors of all income levels. Gifts vary from a simple will bequest to arrangements that help you maintain financial independence through favorable income and tax-saving benefits.
A charitable gift from your estate is a favored method of giving that enables you to achieve your financial goals and benefit ALS TDI in ways that may not be possible through lifetime gifts. You may direct all, or a portion of, your estate to ALS TDI. Either way, giving through your estate plan can generate charitable estate tax deductions and substantial tax savings.
While most assets are transferred through a will, retirement plans and life insurance policies are governed by a separate document called a beneficiary designation.
Other Ways to Give
  • Giving and Generating Income: Planned giving is a great way to support ALS TDI while generating income for yourself and your family. Examples of this type of giving include: charitable gift annuities, deferred charitable gift annuities, charitable remainder annuity trusts, charitable remainder unitrusts, and charitable flip unitrusts.
  • Giving and Tax Benefits: Great tax benefits exist for those who give. Here are some of the gift vehicles that could be at your disposal: charitable lead annuity trusts, charitable lead unitrusts, retained life estates, and bargain sales.
  • Wills and Bequests: Including ALS TDI in your will or living trust is one way to make a charitable bequest. This allows you to designate a portion of your estate to support ALS research. If you're interested, you can use a partner website like FreeWill to help guide you through the process.

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