To the ALS Community,
Many of you have had questions about whether the ALS Therapy Development Institute (ALS TDI) science team will be able to continue our research amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. I want to assure you that our team continues to work and remains as committed as ever to ending ALS, even during these challenging times.
These unprecedented circumstances have challenged us. Our scientists have had to develop new strategies to protect one another while continuing to move ALS research forward. I am extremely proud of the science team at ALS TDI for how well we have been able to adapt our work to safely continue our operations.
In addition to having an amazing team, ALS TDI’s commitment to efficiency has made us uniquely poised to continue some of our most vital research at this time. Efficiencies we already had in place, such as automation systems, robots, and a telemedicine-based clinical research program have all proven invaluable during this time. It is thanks to these efficiencies that we now have the ability to remotely continue critical projects like cell-based drug screens and the Precision Medicine Program (PMP).
In addition, there are various projects and experiments that our science team can still continue to execute while working from home and limiting the number of staff going into the lab. We continue to work. We continue to communicate. We continue to learn. We will not be distracted from our mission.
While we are slowed in some ways, the research that we are able to do, and the funding that we are able to bring in over these next few weeks, will go a long way in helping to maintain our momentum. For those who are able, and would like to donate, please donate today to support ALS research at ALS TDI.
Thank you for your continued support. I wish you, your families, and  friends good health and safety through this challenging time ahead.
We will get through it together.
Keep calm, carry on, while washing your hands, and staying safe at home.


Fernando Vieira, M.D., CSO
The ALS Therapy Development Institute 
Watch this video from Fernando to learn more about how our science team is continuing ALS research right now.
Donate Now to Continue ALS Research