WOODBURY, Minn. – May 10, 2011 – On Saturday, May 21st, 2011, some 500 bicyclists from all over Minnesota, and surrounding states, will descend on Marine on St. Croix, Minn., for the second annual “ALS Bike Trek MN”. The family-oriented fundraising event offers several different cycling routes, a BBQ lunch and live music as part of the state’s longest ALS bike ride. All proceeds from this team-driven event will support 501c3 nonprofits working on behalf of those living with ALS.

“When we started this ride last year, we didn’t know what to expect. But we went ahead with it and were more successful than we thought we would be; raising more than $30,000 for research in the process,” said the ride’s organizer, Justin Rumley of Woodbury. Rumley’s father, Steve, lost his battle with ALS on November 12, 2009. “I knew I had to do it for PALS [persons with ALS] so that they could feel the outpouring of support that the community will bring. May is National ALS Awareness Month and this event provides us here in Minnesota the chance to get out and do something in support of each other and against ALS,” said Rumley.
This year’s Honorary Chairman is Michael Winston, a 26 year-old ALS patient living in Mendota Heights, Minn. Winston’s family and friends have gotten behind him and have risen over $300,000 for ALS research. Michael has also been a visible and vocal advocate for ALS patients both as an Ambassador of the Young Faces of ALS Campaign as well as throwing out the first pitch at the Minnesota Twins’ 4ALS Awareness day in 2010. The 4ALS Awareness campaign is an annual, league-wide effort to raise awareness of ALS in partnership with Major League Baseball. Last year’s honorary chairperson, Bob Stimson, also an ALS patient, passed away in early 2011 from complications of the progressive neurodegenerative disorder. Stimson was instrumental in helping the event get off the ground.
“The ALS Bike Trek is an amazing event that combines the efforts of ALS TDI and the MDA – two leaders in the fight against ALS!” said Augie Nieto, an ALS patient, chairman of the board at ALS TDI, and co-chair of the MDA ALS Division along with his spouse, Lynne. “100% of the net proceeds from this event will fund cutting-edge ALS therapy research. As the founder of Life Fitness, I’m proud to put my name on an event that incorporates fitness into fundraising.” This year, the MDA submitted proclamation requests to the legislature of the State of Minnesota, as well as the City of Minneapolis to recognize May as “ALS Awareness Month”. Both requests were approved.
The ALS Bike Trek MN kicks off at 9:00 A.M. and will feature three distinct routes of varying distances to appeal to all bicycle skill levels. The routes are available online at
www.alsbiketrekmn.com and all start and end at Big Marine Park Reserve in Marie on St. Croix. At noon, Madd Joe’s BBQ is sponsoring a lunch, and live music featuring “The Melville’s” will begin later in the afternoon. Fruitshare.com is also sponsoring the event and providing fresh fruit throughout the day. The BBQ is $10 and registration for the bike trek ranges from $40-$70.
Jim Brown, MDA Headquarters, 520-529-5320, jbrown@mdausa.org